Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar

Professor Colin Clarke (University of Oxford) Germany’s Persecution of the German Jews, Evisceration of Poland and Exploitation of the Ghettoes Time: Apr 19, 2023 06:00 PM London Topic: Polish University Abroad LONDON's Zoom Meeting - History Seminar Time: May 10, 2023 06:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 845 5458 9215 Passcode: 844502

June Conference

We invite experienced researchers and PhD students to apply to participate in PUNO’s V International Interdisciplinary Academic Conference. This event aims to unite young researchers worldwide to explore and discuss AI's educational opportunities and challenges. Participants can present a paper or a poster showcasing their research and findings related to the conference theme. We encourage […]

Reading Filipowicz

READING FILIPOWICZ WITH ANNA ZARANKO 'Cat in the Wet Grass' by Kornel Filipowicz – between reading and translation You are cordially invited to the fourth meeting in the series 'Reading Filipowicz'. This time we will enter into the fascinating world of Filipowicz's works in conversation with Anna Zaranko, who translates Filipowicz's works into English. The […]



"People's History of Poland" - methodology and reception "People's History of Poland" sold more than 70,000 copies on the Polish market and sparked a lively debate about the presence of lower classes in historical consciousness in present day Poland. In my presentation, I will talk about the ideas behind my book and its reception. Adam […]


„W naszych hałaśliwych czasach o wiele łatwiej jest przyznać się do swoich wad, przynajmniej jeśli są atrakcyjnie opakowane, niż rozpoznać własne zalety, ponieważ są one ukryte głębiej i sam w nie do końca nie wierzysz…” /W. Szymborskiej/ Ronald Reagan powiedział kiedyś: „Polska nie jest Wschodem ani Zachodem. Polska leży w centrum cywilizacji europejskiej. Wniósł ogromny […]


The next seminar in PUNO’s Polish History Seminar series will take place on Wednesday, 15 May at 6.30pm. Please find details below. On Saturday 18 May, PUNO's Unit of European History hosts an online conference titled 'The Politics of History and Memory in Poland in the 20 and 21st Century - Between Continuity and Change'. […]

XIV April Conference

You are kindly invited to the IVth April Conference What were the similarities and differences in the way historical policy was conducted in the Second Republic, the Polish People's Republic, and the Third Republic? This main question will be addressed during an international conference on the politics of history and memory in Poland organised on […]

Polish History Seminar

19 June 2024 Professor Havi Dreifuss (University of Tel Aviv) Facing the Unthinkable: Initial Responses of Polish Jews to the Mass Murder   Polish Jews were confronted with news of the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" through various channels, eliciting diverse reactions. This lecture examines their initial responses to the systematic mass murder, with […]

Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar Series

The Cinema of Good Change: The Populist Politics of History and Memory on Polish Movie Screens, 2015-2023 This paper examines politics of history and memory in Polish cinema during the rule of the Law and Justice party from 2015 to 2023. First, it explores feature films that glorified the mythologised community of the ‘Accursed Soldiers’ […]

Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar

Migration Status as Ethnicity:  Natives, Migrants and Refugees in Postwar Poland Poland famously became ‘ethnically homogeneous’ during and immediately after the Second World War, as its previous minority populations were either killed during the Nazi occupation, forced to emigrate, and left outside of Poland’s post-1945 frontiers.  And yet, across the western half of the country, […]

Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar

15 January 2025          Dr Michał Przeperski, Polish History Museum, Warsaw Wild, Wild East: Transformation of People and Mentality in Poland, 1986-1993. Today everything is obvious: the dictatorial system collapsed, so the things are exactly as they should have been from the very beginning. But Poles in 1986 were not aware that they were living in […]

Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar

Public Responses to the Renaming of Commemorative Street Names in Post-communist Poland: Daily Lives, Experiences of Change and Sense of Place.   The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe did not bring about widespread destruction of the material heritage of communist dictatorships in the region. In fact, given that on the whole public acceptance of […]