Reading Filipowicz
READING FILIPOWICZ WITH ANNA ZARANKO 'Cat in the Wet Grass' by Kornel Filipowicz – between reading and translation You are cordially invited to the fourth meeting in the series 'Reading […]
READING FILIPOWICZ WITH ANNA ZARANKO 'Cat in the Wet Grass' by Kornel Filipowicz – between reading and translation You are cordially invited to the fourth meeting in the series 'Reading […]
"People's History of Poland" - methodology and reception "People's History of Poland" sold more than 70,000 copies on the Polish market and sparked a lively debate about the presence of […]
„W naszych hałaśliwych czasach o wiele łatwiej jest przyznać się do swoich wad, przynajmniej jeśli są atrakcyjnie opakowane, niż rozpoznać własne zalety, ponieważ są one ukryte głębiej i sam w […]
The next seminar in PUNO’s Polish History Seminar series will take place on Wednesday, 15 May at 6.30pm. Please find details below. On Saturday 18 May, PUNO's Unit of European […]
You are kindly invited to the IVth April Conference What were the similarities and differences in the way historical policy was conducted in the Second Republic, the Polish People's Republic, […]
19 June 2024 Professor Havi Dreifuss (University of Tel Aviv) Facing the Unthinkable: Initial Responses of Polish Jews to the Mass Murder Polish Jews were confronted with news of […]
The Cinema of Good Change: The Populist Politics of History and Memory on Polish Movie Screens, 2015-2023 This paper examines politics of history and memory in Polish cinema during the […]
Migration Status as Ethnicity: Natives, Migrants and Refugees in Postwar Poland Poland famously became ‘ethnically homogeneous’ during and immediately after the Second World War, as its previous minority populations were […]