

General information

  • Language of publication: english;
  • You must provide the following information (in English):
    • Abstrakts: max. 500 words;
    • key words (up to 5)
    • Author’s bio (up to 500 words)
  • Authors must provide address, e-mail addres, phone number, and their ORCID number. Author can register for ORCID here:;
  • We accept only original papers; All papers will be reviewed;
  • Corrections must be sent back to us within 7 days;
  • Articles must be sent to our e-mail address: 30 July 2022;

Tekst formating

  • The required style is APA Style. Detailed recommendation is available here;

Main requirements:

  • The maximum volume is min 20 000 – max 25000 characters. – around 12 – 15 pages (incl tables and images);
  • Tekst must be prepared in MS-Word ;
  • Text requirements:
    • Font: Times New Roman, size 12 ppoints for main text
    • line spacint: 1,5 lines;
    • tables – a sign should include the number and title, headings centered, the source of the table, the position under the table is to be centered;
    • charts and graphics – the description should include the desription of an object (graph, drawing, equation), the number and title, the source, the position of objects are to be centered;
  • Graphic materials should be provided in separate files in *. jpg or *. tif with a resolution of 300 dpi. They should also be included in the text in the proper place;
  • footnotes – footnotes within the text we use the following formula: (Auleytner 2004, p. 34)
  • Bibliography – at the end of the article, arranged alphabetically, divided into books, magazines, websites. Examples:

Carnall, C. (2007). Managing change in organizations. Warwick business school. The University of Warwick, FT Pearson education, England.

Agasisti, T. & Soncin, M. (2021). Higher education in troubled times: on the impact of Covid-19 in Italy, Studies in Higher Education, 46:1, 86-95. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1859689

Akuhata-Huntington, Z., et al., (2020). COVID-19 and Indigenous resilience. Higher Education Research & Development 39 (7), 1377-1383.

Doucet, A., Netolicky, D., Timmers, K., & Tuscano, F. J. (2020). Thinking about pedagogy in an unfolding pandemic (An Independent Report on Approaches to Distance Learning during COVID-19 School Closure). Work of Education International and UNESCO.