Polish Culture Course

Ladies and Gentlemen Prof. Ewa Lewandowska-Tarasiuk (Dean of the Humanities Department), and Regina Wasiak-Taylor, MA (Chair of the Association of Polish Writers Abroad), are pleased to invite you to a special celebration of the World Poetry Day .One of our poets used to say: Being a poet is occasional, not permanent... We shall try to […]

Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar

Dr Piotr Puchalski (Pedagogical University of Kraków) Poland and the Colonies: Rethinking the Inter-war Period In his talk, Puchalski will present selected findings from his book Poland in a Colonial World Order: Adjustments and Aspirations, 1918-1939. Contextualising inter-war Poland in a changing world of empires, nation-states, dominions, protectorates, mandates and colonies, the author charts how, […]

XII April Conference

t's the twelfth time when the Polish University Abroad invites you to the biggest Polish academic conference outside of Poland. All details about this international research event, that commemorates President Kaczorowski you can find on our website  

Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar

Joseph Conrad, Colonialism and Africa. Profesor Robert Hampson (University of London, Institute of English Studies). In this talk, Professor Hampson will consider Conrad’s engagement with colonialism in his African fiction. Although Conrad is associated in the popular mind with Africa, his early fiction drew on his experiences in the Malay Archipelago, and the Malay archipelago […]

Polish Culture Course

On Wednesday, 11th May 2022 at: 18:00 UK (19:00 in Poland), feel free to join our next Polish Culture Course’sonline meeting. It’s another event we carry out as a part of the seminar cycle called:THEY are gone, the WORD is left... It’s a commemoration meeting relating to unforgettable authors of the Polish literature in exile, […]

Exhibition and booklet release- The Dystopia of an Imitation

The Dystopia of an Imitation Solo exhibition by Jarosław Solecki 27 May 2022, start: 6:00 PM BST Blue Point Art Gallery website: https://bluepointart.uk/the-dystopia-of-an-imitation We kindly invite you to the solo exhibition by Jarosław Solecki The Dystopia of an Imitation. His virtual installation created in 3D was inspired by the paintings of Johannes Vermeeer. Curatorship of […]

June Conference

The June Conference welcomes academics and doctoral students from all over the world. Through the integration of the academic community, it seeks to create a platform for diverse research teams to co-operate, whose aim is the international exchange of experience and the further development of research. More information about this event as well as registration […]


Dr hab. Pawel Duber (Nottingham Trent University) Tytus Komarnicki – Dyplomata i uczony (1896-1967) In this seminar, Dr Duber will talk about his forthcoming book: a biography of Tytus Komarnicki, a Polish diplomat, lawyer, and historian. Although nowadays his name is remembered mainly for his achievements as a historian after 1945, Komarnicki was a talented […]


INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Challenges in Restarting Tourism after the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa The Africa Studies Unitof the Polish University Abroad, London is once again pleased to introduce to you its maiden International Symposium on Tourism. Tourism contributes immensely to the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) of African countries which have diverse array of Tourist Sites and […]

Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar

Dear Colleagues, The next twentieth century Polish history seminar will take place on Wednesday (26 October) at 6.15pm via Zoom. Professor Joshua Zimmerman (Yeshiva University, New York) will discuss his new book Jozef Pilsudski: Founding Father of Modern Poland. (See: https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674984271 ). The Zoom link is pasted below. Details of forthcoming seminars can be found […]

International Symposium on Tourism in Africa

Tourism is one of the industries that have been hit hardest by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Destinations recorded one billion fewer international arrivals in 2020 than 2019. The future of tourism was discussed with a base of current challenges in restarting tourism globally, at this year panel on “Tourism resilience and building forward better” (during the […]