


Notice – Unauthorised use of PUNO's name and logo The authorities of the Polish University Abroad have become aware that unauthorised parties have illegitimately used the PUNO name and logo to advertise and promote events unconnected to the Polish University Abroad....

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Academic research

Academic research

726 / 5,000 Translation results star_border The research team of the Polish University Abroad in London, led by prof. Dr. Grażyna Czubińska cordially invites you to participate in interdisciplinary scientific research on the opinion of Poles living in Great Britain...

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Academic research

Academic research

W ramach międzywydziałowego projektu pt. "Polskie Szkoły Sobotnie w kontekście pedagogiki miejsca", zespół badawczy podjął inicjatywę przeprowadzenia badania pilotażowego. "Polish Saturday Schools in the context of the pedagogy of place", a project team headed by...

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Polish Culture Course

Polish Culture Course

Feel free to join our next Polish Culture Course’sonline meeting on Wednesday - 11 May 2022, at 6pm in London (7pm in Warsaw). It’s another event we carry out as a part of the seminar cycle called: THEY are gone, the WORD is left... It’s a commemoration meeting...

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Publication notice

Publication notice

We kindly invite you to read the following publications by prof. Michael Fleming ‘War Crimes Against Culture: Poland’s Charge File Submissions to the UNWCC’ Opinio Juris (in association with the International Commission of Jurists Available at:...

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PUNO Ukraine
PUNO Bootcamp
Twentieth Century Polish History Seminar